Reed (plant)

Reed is a generic polyphyletic botanical term used to describe numerous tall, grass-like plants of wet places, which are the namesake vegetation of reed beds. They are all members of the order Poales (in the modern, expanded cicrumscription), and include:

In the Poaceae (grass) family
In the Cyperaceae (sedge) family
In the Sparganiaceae family
In the Typhaceae family
In the Restionaceae family

Use in thatching

Phragmites australis, the common reed, is used in many areas for thatching roofs. In the United Kingdom, common reed used for this purpose is known as "Norfolk reed" or "water reed". However, "wheat reed" and "Devon reed", also used for thatching, are not in fact reed, but long-stemmed wheat straw.

See also